Friday, 15 November 2019

[Challenge of the Frog Idol] Session #6: Brotherhood of the Writhing Arm Part I

As the characters recuperate at their hovel, they decide to look more into the recent events and their current situation. Strangely, a wanted poster bears their description so it'd be better to lay low for a while at least. Two of their party go on their own private business, while the rest are contacted by an street urchin (the same who was seen the night before the attack on the statesman) to urgently meet the orator and instigator of last night's riot. Maybe he's got some info about them being framed all of a sudden, something probably perpetrated by the Brotherhood. When they arrive, however, at the meeting point, their contact is already dead, killed by a crossbow bolt. At the same time, the characters are being ambushed by a crossbowman, who furiously cranks his weapon for a shot. Luckily, they act fast and Rirna casts her sleep spell to disable the attacker.

As they search the body, the characters find a note that mentions a meeting tonight at Blue Water Mead Hall. A slap in the face, and the crossbowman wakes up to be interrogated by Grom, the party's muscle. Before he talks, however, an arrow pierces his heart, and another volley of arrows are aimed at the party. Bowmen attack the characters, who expertly evade them and start rushing towards them, calling for a chase scene. The bowmen run like mad, quick-paced Rirna follows along and shoots her daggers at them, while the rest, being heavily-armoured, lag behind. Plenty of obstacles and navigation through the maze-like streets later and two of the bowmen lie dead while the third one is wounded and captured in the middle of a crowd fleeing the various riots around the city. He confirms what the note says and only knows that he was paid to ambush any group that arrives at said location. Taking advantage of the panic in the streets, Grom crushes the bowman's head.

With the location of the Brotherhood's hideout known, the characters inform the other two members of the party and head to the Mead Hall, where they get into a bloody conflict with two guards at the backyard. Even though they manage to get past them rather swiftly, the battle isn't without losses, as Grom leaves his last breath, severely injured from the enemies' steel. The two surviving characters then decide to wait for the rest to arrive, before venturing further into the Brotherhood hideout.

Characters involved
Rirna, magic-user 1
Caledon, elf 1
Grom, fighter 1 [KIA]
Klag, hobgoblin (retainer)

This session felt a bit railroady, but was quick-paced and action-oriented, with the chase taking up most of the gaming time, so the players didn't mind. The Brotherhood's double-crossing had its impact on the players, who immediately jumped at the opportunity to investigate this mysterious cult and possibly punish them for their troubles. Two of the group couldn't make it, so their characters went off to someplace else. Problem is, had they been present, the last battle might have not ended badly for the fighter. It was a risk the players already knew and opted to face.

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