Saturday, 5 October 2019

My story (so far)

Before I lunge deep into my ramblings on D&D, worldbuilding, and gaming in general, I find it fitting to introduce my gamer self, only for the folks reading my stuff to better assess my gaming habits and thoughts.

I grew up in the early and mid '90s playing all sorts of fantasy and sci-fi board games (HeroQuest and Space Crusade, oh my), as well as gamebooks like the influential Lone Wolf series. At some point, I was introduced to classic D&D but quickly jumped to AD&D 2e, where I spent more than a decade running epic (and some not epic) campaigns in the worlds of Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Planescape, and Mystara, as well as a ton of home-brewed ones. My group gave a shot at 3e, altough we unanimously decided we abhorred that edition, and stuck to 2e. When 4e came around, I was on a D&D hiatus (being away from my base, studying and working) and passed on it (not that I would give it a stab, it felt so gamey and grindy), but also missed on the OSR movement. It wasn't until 5e, then D&DNext, was announced that I found myself willing to cut my teeth once again on D&D, intermixed with lots of board game sessions. This new edition offered me the ways of old school in a simple, streamlined set of rules, the likes of 3.x and 4e had put me off. Even 2e now looked awkward and bulky to my aging brain. So, picking up a bunch of friends, both old and new, I ran several successful (and some not so) 5e sessions. However, as the years went by, I realised that 5e was actually straying from what I at first envisioned as "classic D&D modernised"; some of its mechanics drove me nuts, and its emphasis on heroic play brought the power-gaming aspects of older editions that I so despised.

By that time the old grognard in me was looking back to my early days of gaming - board games and classic D&D; there was a certain charm with these simple times (not excluding the rose-tinted glasses), so I began digging for OSR games and fell in love with B/X. Simple ideas, books lean on rules, race-as-class mechanics, sword-and-sorcery themes, and a whole setting teeming with dark and sinister places, a world vast, mysterious and unexplored.

Why this blog, you may ask. I don't know, to be honest; Probably because I finally decided to collect my gaming and worldbuilding thoughts into a platform, so I could share with everybody, and also receive any feedback. And me being a social being, I like to discuss stuff concerning my beloved hobbies.

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